Monstrous Merman

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The Monstrous Merman is a hideous slime coated being from the depths of the sea. This creature has only the need to feed and will even resort to coming a limited way onto the shore to hunt.


Name: Monstrous Merman
Class: Aquatic
Level: 1144


XP: 3,720 4,304
Attack: 10,670 10,772
Defense: 3,307 3,503
Armor: 3,940 4,006
Damage: 11,234 11,366
HP: 35,053 35,507
Gold: 270 330


Piercing Strike: 5 10
Reinforced Armor: 20 30


Amulet of Gogrelka
Helmet of Viirar


Eel Reef (River Mouth)
Eel Reef (Rocky Tide Line)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,503 10,772 11,366 39,513 21,760 15,842 12,883 11,108 9,924
Target Stats: 3,872 11,907 12,563 43,465 23,842 17,301 14,030 12,068 10,760