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Created by the Whiper adepts in the tower the Magantix serve as protector guards. The Magantix is a mirrored anamorphoscope of pure silenced magic, and any who come close to one is drained of will and sound until the victim literally gives up the will to live and dies a silent death on the cold stone floor.


Name: Magantix
Class: Magical
Level: 1278


XP: 6,017 6,225
Attack: 7,768 7,928
Defense: 8,086 8,192
Armor: 7,605 7,773
Damage: 8,976 9,166
HP: 39,076 39,524
Gold: 272 328


Piercing Strike: 17 22
Reinforced Armor: 20 32
Critical Hit: 13 21
Breaker: 10 12
Nullify: 8 13


Magantix Blood
Magantix Rune of Hunger
Magantix Silver Orb


Rillian Refuge (Threshhold)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,192 7,928 9,166 47,297 27,535 20,948 17,654 15,678 14,361
Target Stats: 9,055 8,763 10,132 51,871 30,028 22,747 19,107 16,923 15,466