MacDrookit Big Yin

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Revision as of 16:17, 3 December 2013 by Hoofmaster (Talk | contribs)

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The MacDrookit Big Yins are the elite guards for the castle. The Big Yins are huge men of fat and muscle that live for brawling and can easily pound their foes to the ground with a good punch from their armored fists or behead a foe with a swipe from their huge Broadswords.


Name: MacDrookit Big Yin
Class: Human
Level: 1029


XP: 3,476 3,744
Attack: 9,873 10,051
Defense: 2,882 3,030
Armor: 2,685 2,757
Damage: 7,210 7,386
HP: 22,651 23,225
Gold: 280 320


Piercing Strike: 10 20
Reinforced Armor: 10 20


Helmet of Tiahel
Shield of MacFirr


MacDrookit Castle (Courtyard)
Brogan Cane Caves (Mouth)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,030 10,051 7,386 25,982 14,370 10,499 8,564 7,402 6,628
Target Stats: 3,350 11,110 8,164 28,574 15,739 11,460 9,321 8,038 7,182