Leperous Erlatay

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The Erlatay are beings from the ancient world long trapped in the ice of the Glacier. These beings have somehow lived through the millennia trapped deep in the ice. Some of the Erlaty are ravaged with Blue Leprosy, an ancient disease that horribly deforms the infected but renders them immune to pain. Such a combination makes for a terrifying opponent!


Name: Leperous Erlatay
Class: Undead
Level: 1485


XP: 7,728 8,802
Attack: 5,483 5,605
Defense: 321 437
Armor: 24,962 25,160
Damage: 6,889 6,991
HP: 45,204 45,816
Gold: 290 310


Reinforced Armor: 20 50
Breaker: 20 50


Lonats Rune
Ring of Verathat


Kluftrock Depths (Necro Pit)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 437 5,605 6,991 70,976 48,068 40,432 36,614 34,324 32,796
Target Stats: 484 6,196 7,728 77,134 51,814 43,374 39,154 36,622 34,934