Kranib Devourer

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The Kranib are a magical race of small beings with much in common with the fair folk. They are a small people who prefer to hide from danger, Kranibs often take on the appearances of fungus or lichens in order to hide in the forest. Devourers are the most dangerous of their folk, even other Kranib fear them. They are known cannibals and witches, and dabble in magic forbidden even in Kranib society.


Name: Kranib Devourer
Class: Magical
Level: 1535


XP: 8,274 9,388
Attack: 4,297 4,379
Defense: 26,492 26,674
Armor: 315 467
Damage: 7,765 7,955
HP: 46,668 47,352
Gold: 259 341


Breaker: 20 50
Disarm: 20 50


Brain Etched Maw Helm
Double Looped Emerald Choker


Kanna Swamp (Sludge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 26,674 4,379 7,955 47,819 24,143 16,251 12,305 9,938 8,359
Target Stats: 29,483 4,841 8,793 52,830 26,661 17,938 13,577 10,960 9,215