Ice Maw

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Revision as of 09:50, 27 November 2013 by Koenvdv (Talk | contribs)

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Ice Maws are large sabre-toothed cats from an age long forgotten. Its believed that these icy beasts were frozen within the glaciers and ice fields but have thawed from their frozen hibernation. They are hungry after their long sleep and now is the time to feed!


Name: Ice Maw
Class: Feline
Level: 1345


XP: 6,547 7,011
Attack: 4,821 4,975
Defense: 22,975 23,029
Armor: 306 382
Damage: 6,096 6,264
HP: 41,130 41,490
Gold: 260 340


Piercing Strike: 50 72
Critical Hit: 18 28


Blindors Gauntlets
Tenathons Rune


Myral Peak (Ice Fields)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 23,029 4,975 6,264 41,872 21,127 14,212 10,755 8,680 7,297
Target Stats: 25,454 5,499 6,924 46,262 23,332 15,689 11,867 9,575 8,046