Green Bakab (Champion)

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Ancient Demons that were trapped in the Glacier since its formation, the Green Bakab are the minions of the the fallen God Blacksun. Since the formation of the Randkluft cracked open their icy prison and freed them and the fallen God the Green Bakab have served as powerful protectors of the ritual, ensuring none disrupt their Yellow brethren as they prepare to exalt their lord.


Name: Green Bakab (Champion)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1489


XP: 15,612 17,624
Attack: 21,610 21,720
Defense: 534 714
Armor: 469 537
Damage: 27,495 27,591
HP: 60,198 60,610
Gold: 245 355


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Critical Hit: 20 50
Dodge: 20 50
Disarm: 20 50



Kluftrock Bedrock (Fallen Temple)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 714 21,720 27,591 61,147 30,842 20,741 15,690 12,659 10,639
Target Stats: 790 24,008 30,497 67,558 34,062 22,897 17,314 13,964 11,731