Glades Dryad

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Revision as of 16:04, 3 December 2013 by Hoofmaster (Talk | contribs)

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These graceful creatures inhabit the deepest areas of the Black Glades. They have assembled their villages in tree tops in order to avoid attracting the savage creatures from adjacent areas. The Glades Dryad\'s are surprisingly strong for their size, more than capable of fending off threats to their habitat.


Name: Glades Dryad
Class: Magical
Level: 715


XP: 2,506 2,516
Attack: 3,414 3,476
Defense: 3,723 3,825
Armor: 4,670 4,774
Damage: 3,217 3,327
HP: 18,032 18,484
Gold: 268 332


Nullify: 10 20
Dodge: 10 20


Rune of Odskita
Boots of Mixraal
Helmet of Forfel
Weapon of Ghredl


Black Glades (Ridge)
Black Glades (Grove)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,825 3,476 3,327 23,258 14,016 10,936 9,395 8,471 7,855
Target Stats: 4,228 3,843 3,678 25,458 15,243 11,838 10,135 9,114 8,433