Gelorath Wight

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The Gelorath Wights are said to have once been the greatest warriors of the Gelorath Empire. The Wights carry dark blades that are inscribed with runes of evil that are said to be able to rip the very souls from the bodies of the blades victims storing them within the sword for eternity.


Name: Gelorath Wight
Class: Undead
Level: 1763


XP: 11,485 11,815
Attack: 21,805 21,965
Defense: 759 867
Armor: 464 542
Damage: 27,064 27,258
HP: 70,315 70,705
Gold: 178 222


Critical Hit: 20 40



Gelorath Caverns (Sepulchre)
Gelorath Caverns (Depths)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 867 21,965 27,258 71,247 35,895 24,111 18,219 14,683 12,327
Target Stats: 959 24,278 30,129 78,721 39,646 26,621 20,109 16,201 13,596