Ergar Alchemist

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The Ergar Dwarves are an evil breed, more than happy to join with the plans of the Shadowlord. The Ergar may be black of heart but they still dabble in all things Dwarf like and their Alchemists are very powerful. They have been blending science with magic for longer than they care to remember and through their experiments they have created a form of living iron, a product the Shadowlord himself is keenly interested in.


Name: Ergar Alchemist
Class: Dwarf
Level: 1544


XP: 8,278 9,590
Attack: 5,416 5,538
Defense: 362 426
Armor: 26,999 27,131
Damage: 6,436 6,488
HP: 47,117 47,443
Gold: 277 323


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Reinforced Armor: 20 50


Ergar Alchemical Solution


Hell Forge of Hrus (Alchemists Labs)
Hell Forge of Hrus (Weapon Storage)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 426 5,538 6,488 74,574 50,853 42,946 38,992 36,620 35,039
Target Stats: 471 6,122 7,172 81,008 54,789 46,049 41,679 39,057 37,309