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The Deinotherium is a huge Elephant like beast that roam these lands. Few would dare confront such a powerful and dangerous beast though packs of Barbtooths often try and fail to make a Deinotherium lunch, many being crushed to death by the beasts raw power as they try.


Name: Deinotherium
Class: Beast
Level: 1524


XP: 8,491 8,917
Attack: 5,730 5,898
Defense: 291 487
Armor: 26,215 26,395
Damage: 6,358 6,424
HP: 46,480 46,880
Gold: 275 325


Critical Hit: 20 50
First Strike: 20 50


Deinotherium Corpse


Kameria Savannah (Plains)
Kameria Savannah (Grasslands)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 487 5,898 6,424 73,275 49,835 42,022 38,115 35,771 34,209
Target Stats: 539 6,520 7,101 79,611 53,703 45,067 40,749 38,158 36,431