Chill Wind Grey Back

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Chill Wind Grey Backs are large, Bear-like monsters that live in the cold climes hunting whatever they can catch. You usually find these beasts close to caves, which they have as their home.


Name: Chill Wind Grey Back
Class: Beast
Level: 1619


XP: 9,098 10,550
Attack: 8,047 8,113
Defense: 14,787 14,845
Armor: 14,584 14,682
Damage: 8,749 8,853
HP: 64,537 65,193
Gold: 183 217


Reinforced Armor: 50 70
Critical Hit: 20 30



Chill Mountain (Crack)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 14,845 8,113 8,853 79,875 47,279 36,413 30,981 27,721 25,548
Target Stats: 16,409 8,968 9,786 87,518 51,490 39,480 33,475 29,872 27,470