Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary)

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Ambox_content.png This is a Legendary Creature
Legendary creatures are only available for hunting during Legendary Events. During a Legendary Event, the available creatures and the areas/caves they currently inhabit are posted on the home page.
This creature is not normally available.



Zachorzi was once a dragon however while attacking a village an amateur wizard cast a spell upon him which went cataclysmically wrong and cast a plague that turned Zachorzi into one of the undead. Zachorzi is now in a state of decay and has descended into madness and spreads his plague over the land just to see the look of terror on the faces of the victims as they are covered in boils and begin to rot away in an instant. Respawns every 10 minutes.


Name: Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary)
Class: Undead
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 20


XP: 75 120
Attack: 102 166
Defense: 80 144
Armor: 67 129
Damage: 100 122
HP: 434 666
Gold: 20 20


Piercing Strike: 25 40
Breaker: 100 100
Dodge: 50 100


Plague Armor
Plague Boots
Plague Gauntlets
Powerless Plague Helm


Paladir Forest (East)
Paladir Forest (West)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 144 166 122 795 462 351 296 263 240
Target Stats: 160 184 135 872 504 382 320 284 259