- Min Level: 419
- In Xinderoth World Area
- In Bleak Shore of Eventine World Area
- There are many stairways to Floor 20, each leading to a separate point. (see mapping below)
- For getting out of the Xinderoth realms, use the stairway at (19,13) which will put you one step away from the stairway to Empty Plains (North) on Floor 20.
Shops and Stairs
- Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 18) (1,4)
- Xinderoth Corridor 1 (7,6)
- Xinderoth Corridor 2 (11,9)
- Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 19)
- (2,15) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (16, 18)
- (2,19) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (12, 5)
- (3,4) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (2, 18)
- (3,9) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (11, 14)
- (5,7) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (13, 7)
- (7,4) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (17, 2)
- (16,2) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (6, 2)
- (16,4) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (1, 4)
- (17,18) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (2, 8)
- (19,13) --> Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 20) (1, 12)