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The Leshi is a strange beast that resembles a man but is nocturnal and almost bat-like. Some Scholars think that they are perhaps devolved humans that lived in the trees too long or that they are humans cursed by evil magic.


Name: Leshi
Class: Beast
Level: 150


XP: 372 435
Attack: 505 539
Defense: 812 913
Armor: 620 630
Damage: 697 893
HP: 901 988
Gold: 146 183


Reinforced Armor: 35 39
Nullify: 26 30
Disarm: 10 15


Amulet of Firege
Armor of Yetslan
Axe of Prestige
Boots of Gemdah
Golden Helmet of Gronla
Odens Gloves


Appela Mountains (Peak)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 913 539 893 1,618 1,124 960 877 828 795
Target Stats: 1,010 596 988 1,756 1,210 1,028 937 882 846