Chelonian Pirate

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Chelonian Pirate raid these parts in their infamous battle turrets. They often come ashore to loot and pillage. Chelonian Pirates are confident fighters and are always eager to unleash their swords upon those who would fight them.


Name: Chelonian Pirate
Class: Human
Level: 539


Attack: 4,804 4,858
Defense: 1,215 1,376
Armor: 1,508 1,592
Damage: 3,091 3,174
HP: 10,617 10,995
Gold: 281 321


Critical Hit: 12 14
Nullify: 11 12
Disarm: 12 12


Boots of Somwert
Chelonian Saber
Rune of Kathyon
Shield of Hollith
Sword of Darfin


Cursed Isle of Darkwater (Bleak Moor)
Cursed Isle of Darkwater (Razor Cliffs)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,376 4,858 3,174 12,587 7,090 5,257 4,341 3,791 3,425
Target Stats: 1,521 5,370 3,509 13,830 7,753 5,728 4,715 4,107 3,702