Template talk:StatBox
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Hey, have a look at any item that's not guild tagged. It doesn't match, just wondering how you could fix it up. I've already fixed the uncraftable problem.
CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]
- Give me a specific example to look at. I think I tried to fix a problem with the guild lock section when I first made the template, but I wasn't able to get it working the way I wanted it to work.
— Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop Talk Message PM
This item belongs to me and not to the guild. In game there isn't a line nor the words Guild Locked if it isn't.
CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]
- Ok, the problem is I used tables to align all the info in the statbox and I cannot use parserfunctions to decide if I should include a specific table for a specific section or not. The easy fix would be to just edit the template to default to Guild Locked: No, and the hard fix would be to make separate templates for each of those sections and have the parserfunctions decide if they should use those extra templates or not, similar to the way Template:Item decides how many lines of stats there are.
— Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop Talk Message PM- We also need to figure out what in the template is breaking this page!
— Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop Talk Message PM
- We also need to figure out what in the template is breaking this page!