Malphas the Destroyer (Super Elite)

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Malphas the Destroyer is a mighty being of fire and burning iron. It is said that in the time of legends that Malphas had many legions of demons under his command and at one point even tried to take over the world. He failed in his conquest and was banished. However he has returned from the abyss once again and must be stopped before he can raise another army of demonic creatures.


Name: Malphas the Destroyer (Super Elite)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Super Elite
Level: 280


XP: 0 0
Attack: 7,291 7,318
Defense: 3,906 3,923
Armor: 2,956 2,987
Damage: 13,776 13,811
HP: 27,931 28,152
Gold: 435 435


Piercing Strike: 84 88
Critical Hit: 39 44
Disarm: 76 79
Dodge: 16 17


Destroyer Helm
Destroyer Potion
Destroyer Shield
Destroyer Sword


Hallows Caves (Level 2)
Dunale (South)
Aldmar Swamps (South)
Theotis (North)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,923 7,318 13,811 31,139 17,063 12,371 10,025 8,618 7,679
Target Stats: 4,337 8,089 15,266 34,262 18,704 13,518 10,925 9,369 8,332