Skar Orc Maniac

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The Skar Orc Maniacs are an opponent to be feared for their relentless attacks with their flails. It is said that these unhinged Orcs take herbs before combat that drive them into a frenzy and make them immune to pain but many just think they are naturally nuts.


Name: Skar Orc Maniac
Class: Greenskin
Level: 909


XP: 3,099 3,281
Attack: 3,974 4,030
Defense: 3,841 3,909
Armor: 4,530 4,608
Damage: 6,772 6,910
HP: 19,077 19,501
Gold: 275 325


Reinforced Armor: 5 10
Thievery: 5 10
Dodge: 5 10
Disarm: 5 10


Amulet of Reigham
Boots of Comgerioa
Helmet of Verishal
Rune of Yeses


Savaged Forest of Tull (Thicket)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,909 4,030 6,910 24,109 14,359 11,109 9,484 8,509 7,859
Target Stats: 4,321 4,455 7,638 26,407 15,630 12,038 10,241 9,164 8,445