Mauldy Miner

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The Mauldy are a secretive shy race of mole like people. They dwell deep under the ground in their tunnels. Normally ones to shy away from a fight they will defend their homes if threatened with their claws and their poisonous bite. The Miners of Mauldy society don't just mine for ore but for blindworms and roots that feed the people. They carry a heavy pick-like tool that has clippers on it to catch blindworms or cut roots with.


Name: Mauldy Miner
Class: Vermin
Level: 1495


XP: 7,921 8,831
Attack: 16,449 16,513
Defense: 808 898
Armor: 323 439
Damage: 20,364 20,552
HP: 45,652 45,968
Gold: 258 342


Piercing Strike: 20 50
First Strike: 20 50


Scargaths Rune
Strapped Up Cuirass


Agathia Under (Mauldy Mines)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 898 16,513 20,552 46,407 23,423 15,762 11,931 9,633 8,101
Target Stats: 993 18,252 22,717 51,271 25,867 17,399 13,165 10,624 8,931