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Latest revision as of 03:32, 16 November 2021



Orggok is a minor Orc god of skull taking, the Living Totems of Orggok are giant stone statues adorned with the skulls of many Orc victims. The Totems are said to be enchanted by Orc magic’s or even powers from the god himself and wander the Island protecting the Orcs from invaders.


Name: Living Totem of Orggok
Class: Golem
Level: 1133


XP: 3,725 4,223
Attack: 7,261 7,387
Defense: 8,152 8,212
Armor: 4,918 5,018
Damage: 8,591 8,707
HP: 34,775 35,125
Gold: 269 331


Reinforced Armor: 30 40


Ring of Jaghz
Rune of Zeeral


Pagdush Island (Coast)
Pagdush Island (Jungle Edge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,212 7,387 8,707 40,143 22,581 16,727 13,800 12,043 10,873
Target Stats: 9,077 8,165 9,624 44,108 24,696 18,226 14,990 13,049 11,755