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The Fae Blade Dancer not only specialises in combat with a sword, but also reinforce their movement with their innate magic. One of the first talents learnt by any Blade Dancer is to magically armour their wings so they are not damaged in combat. This gives them the impression of blades. Many Blade Dancers use this confusion to their advantage, and tales of Fae with wings of swords have been spread by those looking for an excuse to explain being defeated by these tiny and deadly Warriors.


Name: Fae Blade Dancer
Class: Magical
Level: 529


Attack: 2,455 2,583
Defense: 951 1,019
Armor: 4,319 4,481
Damage: 2,610 2,789
HP: 12,491 12,958
Gold: 273 327


Piercing Strike: 17 20
Critical Hit: 19 20


Amulet of Wodloh
Boots of Serwar
Gloves of Ollmorik


The Secret Kingdom (Preserve)
The Secret Kingdom (Prowl)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,019 2,583 2,789 17,439 10,960 8,801 7,721 7,073 6,641
Target Stats: 1,127 2,855 3,083 19,041 11,880 9,493 8,300 7,583 7,106