Difference between revisions of "Discordant Miasma"

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(Created page with "{{Creature |image=http://huntedcow.cachefly.net/fs/creatures/26397e7834305888cf64f884f2ba394b04a7.jpg |name=Discordant Miasma |class=Undead |description=A tormented twisting h...")
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|name=Discordant Miasma
|name=Discordant Miasma

Latest revision as of 03:16, 16 November 2021



A tormented twisting horror floats in the air formed from the terror of drowning sailors. It screams with agony seeking out the living to vent pain upon.


Name: Discordant Miasma
Class: Undead
Level: 1589


XP: 8,943 9,983
Attack: 17,608 17,668
Defense: 605 683
Armor: 323 487
Damage: 21,802 21,872
HP: 48,468 48,792
Gold: 281 319


Piercing Strike: 30 40
Reinforced Armor: 6 10
Critical Hit: 25 40
Dodge: 8 10


Ethereal Contortion
Shield of Taxder
Spirit Chains


Sea Razor Isle (Shore)
Sea Razor Isle (Reef)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 683 17,668 21,872 49,279 24,883 16,751 12,685 10,246 8,619
Target Stats: 755 19,529 24,176 54,443 27,478 18,490 13,996 11,299 9,502