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|name=Shadow Puka
|description=Shadow Pukas are a type of evil fairy and like many of the fay folk, are both respected and feared by any who come across it. Shadow Pukas have the ability to blend in with the shadows and use this ability to sneak up on their victims.
|description=Shadow Pukas are a type of evil fairy and like many of the fay folk, are both respected and feared by any who come across it. Shadow Pukas have the ability to blend in with the shadows and use this ability to sneak up on their victims.

Latest revision as of 03:42, 16 November 2021



Shadow Pukas are a type of evil fairy and like many of the fay folk, are both respected and feared by any who come across it. Shadow Pukas have the ability to blend in with the shadows and use this ability to sneak up on their victims.


Name: Shadow Puka
Class: Magical
Level: 486


XP: 1,398 1,528
Attack: 2,061 2,235
Defense: 2,394 2,492
Armor: 1,900 2,012
Damage: 3,128 3,262
HP: 9,639 9,851
Gold: 277 323


Piercing Strike: 19 25
Critical Hit: 8 10
Nullify: 1 5


Amulet of Arthon
Armor of Ashwall
Boots of Lindor
Gloves of Onkor
Helmet of Sorgor
Ring of Leath
Rune of Brin
Scimitar of Tall
Shield of Rilkon


Castle Morbidstein (Fortress Middle)
Castle Morbidstein (East Tower Lower)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,492 2,235 3,262 11,863 6,938 5,296 4,475 3,983 3,654
Target Stats: 2,755 2,471 3,606 13,007 7,563 5,749 4,841 4,297 3,934