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Revision as of 09:20, 27 November 2013



Manhunter Bats are giant Bats that have lost the ability to fly and instead lope around the tunnels hunting on all fours, their wings have disappeared and long spider like fingers is all that remain. These strange and slightly disturbing creatures have poor eyesight still but using ecco location to find prey is far more advantageous in the darkness of the dungeon.


Name: Manhunter Bat
Class: Beast
Level: 1296


XP: 6,051 6,537
Attack: 15,611 15,739
Defense: 454 564
Armor: 269 395
Damage: 16,648 16,718
HP: 39,626 40,054
Gold: 286 314


Piercing Strike: 20 33
Reinforced Armor: 6 12
Critical Hit: 20 25
Dodge: 26 30



Dungeon of Kai (Catacombs)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 564 15,739 16,718 40,449 20,422 13,747 10,409 8,406 7,071
Target Stats: 624 17,397 18,479 44,688 22,552 15,174 11,484 9,271 7,795