Adding an area map does not have to be as hard as it looks and definitely does not require walking around an area and writing down all the map tile images. There is a much easier way:
- When you are in the area you want the map for, use the map quicklink button.
- Right click and select 'View Page Source' from the menu.
- Select and copy everything between the <body> tags and paste it to your favorite text editor. (I use Notepad)
- Select everything between an image url and copy it.
- Go to the top and click Edit -> Replace.
- Paste the code into the 'Find what:' box and put | in the 'Replace with:' box.
- Click on 'Replace All'.
- Sit back and enjoy a drink or snack while the text editor works.
- When it is done, you can go through and clean up the code, add in the mapnotes, and put it into the Area's wiki page.