Template talk:DAH Borrowed

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Gloves [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Glove-Borrowed-By1}}}
Helmets [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Helmet-Borrowed-By1}}}
Amulets [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Amulet-Borrowed-By1}}}
Weapons [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Weapon-Borrowed-By1}}}
Armor [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Armor-Borrowed-By1}}}
Shields [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Shield-Borrowed-By1}}}
Rings [[ ]] [none] [none] {{{Ring-Borrowed-By1}}}
Boots [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Boot-Borrowed-By1}}}
Runes [[ ]] {{ }} {{ }} {{{Rune-Borrowed-By1}}}

It appears you put too many brackets around your parameters. They should all have 3 brackets on either side, and the extra 2 screw it up so it thinks it's looking for a template by the name of whatever you put in as your parameter.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM 

I have got my template to work like I want it to work but now I need to find out how to make cells that do not have any information in the will show empty instead of the {{ }} and [[ ]].
   DavidAHare,Talk Message PM 02:15, 15 September 2008 (BST)

You might try this:
<span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{{item-name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}}} {{{item-name|&nbsp;}}}]</span>
All it does is make a link to the item's page or a non-visible non-clickable link to itself if there is no item. The only parameter in this code is item-name and that can be changed to whatever you need. Everything else would have to stay the same.

 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM 

I tried your suggestion and it did not work. It left [[[:Template:Fullurl]]] in the spot. So I am using none in the spots that do not have any information.
   DavidAHare,Talk Message PM 02:39, 16 September 2008 (BST)

I made a template for you to use where you only have to put in the player's name to get a link to their game profile page. All it reqires before it would work is for you to add their name and id to the template: Template:ProfileLink.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM