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Joined: 16/Mar/2008
Name: Generica
Guild: WiccaD
Guild Title: Guild Founder
Allies: 1DaBoss, Bugdude, CyBeRvInO, darktalen, deed525, dognogard, eldheim, FireVamp, ghosttown6, Hexzcor, JimmyVegas, Kalian, Kevolkian, Kroyvega, looneytic, MacTavish, miatrixie, namkor13, nugen, Rational, Rhino8, Rikk1, Scartick, shortydee, SirVrem, Slashievon, stevefille, Thornhands, ToshiroICE, xANIMAHx, XellDincht, Z1pirate
Enemies: None
Medals: 5_1.gif 8_1.gif
Auction House: N/A
Recruits: Slashievon
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.



About Me

Some say obsessed, some say driven, I prefer dedicated. :D I found Fallen Sword in March 2008 and since then my animals have gone hungry, my phone unanswered and my dishes keep piling up. I don't have a problem though *twitch twitch*. For me FS is like a never ending game of Final Fantasy, and that can only be a good thing!

I live in rural NSW, Australia, and things would be perfect if everyone on FS that I like was on Aussie time. Maybe one day.

I treat others as I would like to be treated, and I appreciate good manners. The quickest way to annoy me is to be lacking in either. Both cost nothing except a kind heart.


Kevolkian – For being an awesome Aussie :P <----- you know Kev put that there himself right? <---- She's lying because for some reason she just went shy :P (Kev)


Free for friends and guild members of WiccaD and Camelot. I don't sell buffs, I only offer them free to friends and guild members as above. Sometimes when I'm bored I don my wings and throw some glitter around to do my Random Buff Fairy thing, mainly to those online under level 25 and naked (buffless).



Buff Level Price
  • 5_b.gif
  • 145
  • N/A



Buff Level Price
  • 9_b.gif
  • 145
  • N/A



Buff Level Price
  • 17_b.gif
  • 145
  • N/A
  • 19_b.gif
  • 145
  • N/A
  • 20_b.gif
  • 145
  • N/A
  • 21.gif
  • 145
  • N/A
  • 24_b.gif
  • 145
  • N/A
  • 26_b.gif
  • 125
  • N/A