Secure Trade

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Secure Trading is used for trading items with players outside the auction house system. It is called Secure because it allows both parties of the trade to fully agree on the terms before any items or money are switching owners. This works by having the seller creating a trade by choosing what to trade and the price that he or she wants for it. Then the trade is sent to a specific player which can then choose to either accept or deny the trade. If it is accepted, payment and items are traded at the same time, leaving no room for one of the participants to rip off the other.


Creating a Trade

A trade is always initiated by the selling part. The player chooses what to trade, and this can be any number of items, gold or FSPs. Next, he or she chooses how much payment the buyer has to pay for this. Payment is done in form of gold or FSPs. Finally, a target player is chosen that will receive the offer.

Receiving a Trade

When a seller has sent a trade offer it will appear in the secure trade page. On this page, a list of all outgoing and incoming trades are listed, with an option to either accept or reject them. If the receiver accepts the offer, the deal is closed and goods & payment shifts owner. If it is rejected, nothing changes owner and the seller is informed that the offer was turned down.

When a new trade offer is received, a message is also sent to the player's log informing about the new trade.


It is only possible to use gold or FSP as payment in a secure trade. It is thus not possible to use Secure Trade to trade items for items.

See Also