Ice Lizard Alpha (Elite)

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The vicious Ice Lizard Alpha is seen as the leader of the Ice Lizards primitive tribe structure but mostly he is leader because he is the most hungry member of the species, obsessed with eating meat. They will stop at nothing to get what he craves.


Name: Ice Lizard Alpha ( Elite )
Class: Aquatic
Rarity: Elite
Level: 80


XP: 380 380
Attack: 1,227 1,279
Defense: 1,105 1,295
Armor: 1,150 1,300
Damage: 1,422 1,618
HP: 4,997 5,403
Gold: 68 92


Reinforced Armor: 10 12
Critical Hit: 5 15


Ice lizard Scale Armor
Ice Lizard Boots
Ice Lizard Shield
Ice Lizard Sword


Glacier Forest North
Frozen Lakes South

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,295 1,279 1,618 6,703 4,002 3,101 2,651 2,381 2,201
Target Stats: 1,432 1,414 1,789 7,341 4,355 3,360 2,862 2,564 2,365