Guild:Hells Fury

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Hells Fury
Founded: June 2007
Founder(s): VanHammer, Dhamon
Council: darthstev, HoboJim, huwey
Administration: Peyrhon, slash6660, DragonX800
All Members: Hells Fury
Allies: Forsaken Kings, The Legion of Doom, Angellife, DarkPoll, The Brotherhood of Darkness, Red Eagles, Guild of Light, Pagan Wolves, Hell has no Fury, Hades Kitchen, Shadow Dwellers, Fallen Legions, Night Stalkers Retreat, Vampires Blood
NAPs: Dark Seige, Besten, Chaos Lords, Annihilation, AMK, Mythical Outlawz
Website: Hells Fury

Hells Fury Forum (Includes Guild Application)



Hells Fury

We are ranked 121 in Top 250 Guilds and ranked 27 in Top 250 Richest Guilds. Currently, we have 14 spots open and are recruiting level 50 and up players. If we are full and you still want to join, it will cost 20 FSP to join.


As the Dark forces gather from the Blackness of the Abyss,The creatures of Hells Fury,lurk in the shadows,waiting to attack new souls for the Dark Lord. The Apocolypse is here, and all will fall at the hands of Hells Fury


Guild Ranks Rank Abilites
  • Guild Founder
  • All Permissions Available
  • Earned Co Guild Founder
  • Invite/Kick players, Manage Ranks, Tag/Untag items, Access Guild Advisor, Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • Earned Chaotic Fire Lords High Council
  • Invite/Kick players, Manage Ranks, Tag/Untag items, Access Guild Advisor, Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • Earned Shadow Enforcer
  • Invite/Kick players, Manage Ranks, Tag/Untag items, Access Guild Advisor, Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 20,000,000 Exp Dark Lord of the Abyss
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 10,000,000 Exp Super Elite HellFang
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 6,000,000 Exp Hellraiser Inferno Warlord
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 3,000,000 Exp High Lord of the Inferno
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 1,250,000 Exp Legendary General of the Elite Army
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 750,000 Exp Dark Horde Commander
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 400,000 Exp Hellspawn Elite
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 250,000 Exp Hells Angel of Death
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • 130,000 Exp Lord Apocalypse
  • Store/Take Items
  • 95,000 Exp Apocalypse Assassin
  • Store/Take Items
  • 60,000 Exp Demonic Warlord
  • Store/Take Items
  • Earned Minion Watcher
  • Store/Take Items, Send Mass Messages
  • Lv 80 14-day trial 0-300k
  • Store Items
  • Lv 50-79 14-day trial 0-150k
  • Store Items
  • 7 Days in Demonic Torture
  • Punishment for inactivity and insubordination; No Permissions
  • I refuse to follow rules and listen
  • Punishment for not returning shared sets to the GS; No Permissions
  • Disgrace to the Pack
  • Punishment for refusing to follow Pack Hunter role; No Permissions
  • Radical Sabatical from Hell
  • Temporary leave from Hells Fury; No Permissions

*7 Days in Demonic Torture is reserved for those members who have broken a rule. If we have not seen an improvement in your activity or actions, you will be removed from the guild.

Guild Structures

Structure Level
  • Battle Totem
  • 20
  • Health Shrine
  • 20
  • Armory
  • 20
  • Endurance Shrine
  • 3
  • Thieves Guild
  • 2
  • Weaponsmith
  • 20
  • Temple
  • 5
  • Shrine of Pain
  • 5
  • Tranquil Retreat
  • 6
  • Destructive Shrine
  • 6
  • Pentagram
  • 6
  • Protection Shrine
  • 7
  • Blade Master
  • 6
  • Awareness Training
  • 5
  • Training Room
  • 10
  • Crippling Shrine
  • 20
  • Blacksmith
  • 5
  • Sustain Shrine
  • 5
  • Crafters Workshop
  • 5
  • Military Advisor
  • 1
  • Fury Shrine
  • 5
  • Guild Registrar
  • 3
  • Preemptive Temple
  • 15
  • Combat Pit
  • 25

Guild Events

Hells Fury has started naming a Hero of the Week. Make sure to see if you have made it into the list.

Hells Fury is also running a Joke of the Day contest. If you think you have a great tasteful joke, make sure to submit them in the Guild Chat section to be considered for the award.

Hells Fury is raising money for the guild to upkeep the structures and holding a Gold Contribution contest. Each week a winner will be chosen from each level range and will receive money.


Being Active

All New Hells Fury members who do not make it to Demonic Warlord within 14 days are subject to removal from the guild.

If you are going to gone for more than 2 days, let one of the Leaders know so that we can put you on Temporary Leave from Hell.

Other Guild Rules

  1. We do not accept any type of racial, sexual, or verbal abuse towards another member or in Guild Chat. If you have an issue with another member, bring it up with a Guild Founder or Demon High Council member.
  2. No chat spamming! If you need to send a mass message, once is enough! Remember that everyone online has to stop what they're doing and check that message. If you need to ask for buffs then do so in the Guild Chat. Remember that everyone receives a Guild Log message when a new attack group is being formed so you do not need to mass message people to join your group as those that can, will. Those that can't are either offline or low on stamina.
  3. Do not ask to be ranked up. The Guild Founders, Demon High Council, and the Shadow Enforcer will check regularly to see where our members are and if they need to be ranked. Remember, we are also doing the same as you are and more so if we don't get to you that day it will be done as soon as one of us are online.
  4. No begging. Do not beg for gold or FSP in chat. You will not get any unless you work out a deal with another member and it will lead to disciplinary measures being taken.


1st Offense = 7 Days in Demonic Torture
2nd Offense = Kicked from Guild

Guild Deposits


We have the Guild Taxation in place, which means that every time you kill a monster/creature a portion of your gold goes to the Guild Bank. Unfortunately, due to not enough people using their stamina each day, we have had to make people use their Bank Deposits again. This tax will help keep the structures running and upgrade others.

  • Am I required to use my bank deposits for the Guild?

Yes. We have instituted the Guild Taxation but due to inactivity bank deposits are now required again. Everyone needs to make at least 1 Bank deposit to the guild.

Alliances & NAPs


  1. No attacking each others guild members. Unless asked to complete a bounty on said member. After bounty is complete sending back gold that was stolen not lost.
  2. Sharing info on bounties posted on the board.
  3. Sending info on kicked members, thieves and any lameplayers so as not to get them in our guilds.
  4. Relic attacking would be exempt from the alliance agreement!
  5. Each ally will list each other in their guild history upon signing of the alliance agreement and remain there for the duration of the agreement.


Forsaken Kings, The Legion of Doom, Angellife, DarkPoll, The Brotherhood of Darkness, Red Eagles, Pagan Wolves, Hell has no Fury, Hades Kitchen, Shadow Dwellers, Fallen Legions, Night Stalkers Retreat, Vampires Blood


  1. No attacking each others guild members. Unless asked to complete a bounty on said member. After bounty is complete sending back gold that was stolen not lost.
  2. Sharing info on bounties posted on the board.
  3. Sending info on kicked members, thieves and any lameplayers so as not to get them in our guilds.
  4. Relic attacking would be exempt from the NAP agreement!
  5. Each ally will list each other in their guild history upon signing of the NAP agreement and remain there for the duration of the agreement.

NAPs with

Dark Seige, Besten, Chaos Lords, Annihilation, AMK, Mythical Outlawz