Guild:Honor of Knighthood

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Guild Info

Founded on March 5th, 2007, Honor of Knighthood is a band of knights bound by the sword, and sworn to aid each other in the goal to rise as one. If you wish to join the guild you must be at least level 175 and have a minimum of 1250 max stamina.

The knightly honor is to swear by the sword that you shall enter into battle for one and all. Your sword is wielded to protect the family of members and to serve a noble and respected force. Knights strive to help one another in the goal to achieve high standing among the honorable guilds on Fallen Sword, while having fun and enjoying the cameraderie. Apply here:

Honor of Knighthood
Leader(s): Algoa,


Founder: Zaad
Allies: Fallen Kings and Queens
Website: Guild Website


We ask that you respect your fellow members as you would want to be respected by them.

What our guild offers

_All 28 Structures Maxed

_Free buffs for members

_Large Groups

_900+ piece armory, sets lvl 115-600 (FF p/x)

_Epic Gear incl. Writhing Ward and Steam Work

_Most SE and LE sets

_Friendly atmosphere, active chat

_Helpful advice covering all styles of leveling

_20% tax rate

The Knights' Code

A knight is not an innocent bystander, but a force to be reckoned with. All knights are powerful and cunning, strategic and bold, always hold ground and will relentlessly advance. Enemies will be torn apart by the sword and attacks will be deflected by the shield. Wounds will not detur the knight, for the heart of a knight is forever courageous. Knights defend each other in battle, in the face of despair, in unfolding defeat, in unyielding threats. The enemy will cower, for the true power of the knight is a keen sense of teamwork. All knights are equal and will stand before the knighthood to defend its honor.

  • I am not an innocent bystander.
  • I am a threat to my enemy, I am powerful and cunning.
  • I am strategic and bold; I will not sit idly by.
  • I will take ground, I will advance.
  • I will tear through my enemy, and my enemy will hate me.
  • I will not avoid difficult fight.
  • I will fight and I will be wounded.
  • I will be targeted, I will bleed.
  • I will not tire, my wounds will be healed.
  • I will see the tragedy,
  • I will feel pain, but I will be restored.
  • My feet will not stumble, my hands will hold fast.
  • I will not be intimidated, I will fight through.
  • I will stand by my brothers in arms!
  • I cannot be stopped; I will fight to the last breath!
  • I will push to the limits, I scale the mountains!
  • My enemy will cower, for I serve a great King!!!

Guild Rules

1. BE POLITE. Using words such as 'hello', 'please' and 'thank you' is common courtesy. Members will be kicked if they are abusive, unpleasant or harrassing others.

2. BE ACTIVE. Inactive players will be kicked from the guild. This means that each member must burn stam and level up. Players are excused from hunting if they let a council member know the reason of their absence.

3. Be prepared to JOIN GROUPS. Join goups when you come online. Never disband your group. Members are asked to post an explanation in the chat for the reason of group expiration. Create groups for Relics, Elites and Super Elites. Do not create a group to defeat normal creatures or champions, unless it is for a quest.

4. BE RESPECTFUL of other members' valuable time. When you have a question, check the guild website first, then check the guild forum, then pose the question in chat.

5. When getting drops from group attacks, take them out of the guild store immediately, unless it is a valuable item for donation. Let the armory officer (amwolf) know about this.

6. Gold donation, though welcome, is not obligated. Our tax rate covers the upkeep of the structures.

7. DO NOT STORE USELESS ITEMS in the guild store. Members are asked to specify in chat if they intend to temporarily store items during a hunt. Make sure to keep at least one guild store slot free for elite/SE drops.

8. DO NOT BEG for fsp, gold or items.

9. ASK FOR BUFFS in the chat. Specify which buffs you need. Do not ask for buffs if you have low stam, or do not ask if you do not have time to hunt.

10. RECALLING GEAR is permitted only if the member is offline. Message the member if he/ she is online. Items can be recalled if the member is wearing them. This does not apply to the Gurgriss sets, which are not to be recalled by anyone.


12. WIRTHING WARD/ARENA: A. DO NOT WEAR IT FOR CASUAL STAM GAIN. The Ward is to be used for max stam gain during the last gain before the hunt. Members are asked to be online while wearing the Ward and to return the items to the Guild Store immediately after use. B. To prevent abuse, these items can be used only 5 minutes after it was taken from the GS. This will be based on the guild logs. For example, if the WW is removed from the GS at 01:00 then it is available for recall at 01:06. C. The Ward is also used for the Arena. Be respectful to others that might need it for final stam gain. D. Anyone caught ghosting, or logging on to equip the Ward for casual stam gain, then setting the refresh to leave the pc, will lose all priveleges of using the Ward. Members will be kicked from the guild if they are seen using the Ward after this warning.

13. STAY UP-TO-DATE with how HoK evolves. READ the rules and the guidelines in the forum. Members are encouraged to voice their opinions in the forum.

Guild Officers

We believe that no one member is greater than the whole.
There are those who have shown outstanding zeal, loyalty and dedication to the guild. They have risen above the ranks in order to humbly serve and protect the stability and integrity of the guild. And with the leadership and guidance of our founder, they and others before them have made HoK to be one of the most respected and powerful guilds in the game.

Guild Founders Zaad.jpg Jeroen76.jpg
Zaad jeroen76
Rank: Guild Founder Rank: Greatest Guild Founder IA
Guild Leaders Algoa.jpg Chmichelle.jpg Jamina.jpg Tomthumb99.jpg
Algoa CHMICHELLE jamina tomthumb99
Rank: Guild Leader Rank: Guild Leader Rank: Guild Leader Rank: Guild Leader
Rank: First Knight
Council Bel6arion.jpg Dulcharn.jpg Jezyhale.jpg Odinsson.jpg
BEL6ARION Dulcharn JezyHale Odinsson
Rank: Knight of the Round Table Rank: Knight of the Round Table Rank: Knight of the Round Table Rank: Knight of the Round Table
Osrik.jpg Panisrahl.jpg Pcar.jpg
Osrik PanisRahl pcar
Rank: Knight of the Round Table Rank: Knight of the Round Table Rank: Knight of the Round Table
Guild Recruiters Gemini06.jpg Handitover.jpg Jheamay.jpg
gemini06 handitover jheamay
Rank: Guild Recruiter Rank: Guild Recruiter Rank: Guild Recruiter
Armorers Amwolf.jpg
Rank: Wolf in Mental Healing

Guild Members

The most didstinguished and valiant of Knights reside in these ranks. No creature is too big for their courage, no dragon scales are too hard for their sword and no foe will defeat their Honor. Squires, Special Trainees are not included in the list until they are Knighted.

Honorable Knights Xaxax.jpg Patrizora.jpg Kenlajzar.jpg Grizley.jpg
xaxax PatriZora Kenlajzar grizley
Rank: Knight Illuminati Rank: The Egyptian Goddess Rank: Brancaleone da Norcia Rank: Evil Beast in the Dark Woods
Tash27.jpg Unhaiduc.jpg Demorgoth.jpg Tien337.jpg
tash27 unhaiduc Demorgoth tien337
Rank: Sneaky Snake Rank: Romanian Knight Rank: Knight of the Dark Horizon Rank: Knight Rider
Salix.jpg 4venger.jpg Lahona.jpg Bubbaluwey.jpg
Salix 4venger Lahona bubbalewey
Rank: The Proximan Rank: Drunken Fist Master Rank: The Castle Cat Rank: Xinderoth Survivor
Tugreeb.jpg Magic56.jpg Ikkekieken.jpg Xuanwu.jpg
TUGREEB magic56 ikkekieken Xuanwu
Rank: Ale Master Rank: The Frenchy Rank: The Shadow Rank: Mysterious Warrior
Azorean.jpg Tomsk.jpg Auwg.jpg Javoo.jpg
azorean Tomsk Auwg javoo
Rank: The Castle Kitten Rank: Shadow Knight Rank: Zombie knight Rank: Sacred Warrior
Elleonor.jpg Wilfie.jpg Arkainic.jpg Corck.jpg
Elleonor Wilfie Arkainic Corck
Rank: Amazon Archer Rank: Comic Knight Rank: Dragon Knight Rank: A Raisin in the Sun
Rurek84.jpg Apul.jpg Rexger.jpg Foln.jpg
rurek84 Apul rexger Foln
Rank: Bloody Angel Rank: Knight of the Crimson Tide Rank: Mapamping Tampi Rank: Seraphim Knight
Zippie.jpg Gemfirevt.jpg Asarian.jpg Sphilly3.jpg
Zippie GEMFiREVT asarian sphilly3
Rank: Fast As Fast Can Be Rank: Templar OL Rank: Samurai Knight OL Rank: Lady in Waiting OL
Bludknight.jpg Vsuck.jpg Iceni.jpg Heid.jpg
BludKnight vsuck Iceni heid
Rank: Bathed in Blood OL Rank: Si Cepot OL Rank: Full Moon Demon OL Rank: Blue Ocean Amazon OL
Sleepy420.jpg Mendorian.jpg Ferdsin.jpg Ramok.jpg
sleepy420 Mendorian Ferdsin Ramok
Rank: The Leprechaun OL Rank: Ancient Terminator OL Rank: Shadow Knight OL Rank: White Knight OL
Kysrinaria.jpg Draakboy.jpg Doobydoo.jpg Higuain.jpg
Kysrinaria draakboy doobydoo Higuain
Rank: Mythical Dragon Lady OL Rank: Semi Retired Dragon Slayer Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA
Nickx8.jpg Poppaace.jpg Roninrahl.jpg Slaw34.jpg
Nickx8 PoppaAce RoninRahl Slaw34
Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA
Snakequeen.jpg Uralus.jpg Bill1967.jpg Forthwind.jpg
SnakeQueen Uralus bill1967 Forthwind
Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA Rank: The Strength of the Nation IA

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