Guild:Fallen Kings and Queens

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Fallen Kings and Queens
Fallen logo.jpg
Guild Website
Guild Forum
FS Page
The Fallen are Rising



About Us

The Fallen Kings and Queens is one of the fastest growing guilds in Fallen Sword. We're proud of that. But that's a result, not a goal. Our primary reason for being together is the enjoyment of exploring the realms together, and the different aspects of excellence we can achieve. We're a very low stress evironment, but we're very engaged. Most of our players tend to be on the mature side, but we laugh like children:) We literally come from all over the world, in virtually every time zone. Our Guild is open 24 hours, 7 days a week for chat, and buffs and discussions. We wanted it that way. Many Guild members come online just to talk while they're not hunting. And it's nice to know that someone will always be there taking care of the Keep. As long as we are engaged and having fun with each other, we believe alot of good things will come our way. And in fact they do. No wonder we're climbing the GvG and XP ladders so quickly.

We begin in quite a different place than most guilds; all our members really own our Guild. Most Guilds are very hierarchical; we strive to be anything but that. We believe that's where all the politics and drama starts.

We've put a variety of materials and structures in place so that each Member can find their way around and begin contributing to the Group in the way that peaks their interest. In the Kings and Queens, you choose the level and direction of your involvement. We may yet end up with 10 or more Guild Founders and just as many High Council Members; we don't know. But we do know that empowered people are happy people:) All we ask is that you are engaged.


The Fallen Kings and Queens was founded by Paladin492 in October, 2007. The Guild remained very small for a couple months until one of its few members, WhiskeyJim, was encouraged to become a more active member and manager of the Guild. Together Paladin and WhiskeyJim began an aggressive recruiting effort, and the guild quickly grew.

The Fallen Kings and Queens is primarily a home grown guild- most members join at a low level and have never been in another guild. It should be noted that we have some celebrated exceptions; as we climb the guild ladder more and more mature hunters have joined us.

Growth vs. Immigration

There are a number of reasons for this strategy. First, we're trying to do something different in the FKQ's; we view the Guild as an endeavor of shared responsibility. Our management structure is very flat; all members own our Guild (this is the essential meaning of a Guild, after all), and we try to mirror that philosophy with our management and support structure. The purpose of our separate management rankings is really to provide support and training to our members more than anything else. But it goes beyond that. Our ranks strive to represent our specialties and unique contributions, while also giving all of us a way to celebrate each member's progress.

Second, we are trying to develop a Guild with low levels of stress and drama, and an environment where we can work as a group to enjoy the game, all while becoming one of the premier Guilds in FS. We look for ways to acknowledge each others' accomplishments and provide a mature, clean, hospitable place to come and relax. In that context, we value friendships, loyalty, and honesty above all, as did the Knights of the Round Table of yore. With so many FS players guild hopping or cheating with multi-accounts, we are somewhat hesitant to accept established players into our ranks since we are less sure of who we are inviting to our group. We are proud of the fact that no member of the Kings and Queens has ever been terminated from FS, a reflection of our Guild's dedication to honesty and helpfulness. It's important to us.

Honesty and Integrity

If you are running multiple accounts, or you are not thinking of making our guild your permanent home, then this Guild is not for you. Our guild is not for those who view guilds as a "revolving door", taking your XP at your character's latest whim. We are building something here and since it is a relaxed, celebratory and supportive place, it is not conducive to people coming and going all the time. That is not how good teams and friends work.

We're not saying we don't accept established players. We do. And we hope you consider joining our friendly atmosphere and availing yourself of our hospitality, ribbing, and helpfulness. After all, that's what we expect from you.



The Kings and Queens have established a reputation as an engaged, supportive and fun Guild. We find excuses to support and celebrate with each other. Our only regret is that a guild can have a maximum of 124 total members! If you only wish to play once a week on Sundays, this Guild is not for you! To develop our atmosphere, we have many ways to communicate with each other and enjoy the game together. We use Guild chat extensively, but we also have a very active Forum and many of us have headsets in Yahoo Messenger so we can talk to each other and share our thoughts on FS and any other thing that comes to mind while we are online. There's always something to do and talk about while waiting for your stamina to be regained!


The FKQ's is very focused on gaining levels. However, we also encourage each of our members to explore any specialty niche they find interesting. Some of our members enjoy Guild PvP, while others are Bounty Hunters. We believe that any team is stronger if each member is specializing in what they enjoy. We believe a team of specialists always finds members with huge strengths to rely on. Specialists have more knowledge. Varying specialists means we always have an expert to consult. We are much more a team of specialists than a group of generalists.

To that end, we have developed a vast Library of training and information materials so new members can learn the basics of FS and our Guild. By level 100 we rely on members to have an in-depth working knowledge of the game and begin to give back to the Guild in helpfulness and FSP. It is also around this level that members begin to flesh out their character in development, capability, and specialization.

We also leverage other specialized talents: we have researchers, armory specialists, technology experts, graphics artists, etc., that volunteer their time to enliven our world and generally make the Kings and Queens a fun place to be.

Our guild is currently climbing the Guild ladder very quickly, and the speed with which we do it is increasing exponentially. We believe our success is proof of the validity of our structure and our philosophy. We have made our goals and we are partying towards them.

About You

Although we have a few exceptions, we have found that people over the age of 21 feel more comfortable with the nature of our community. Like we said, we are not trying to be something for everyone. Our members range in age from 20 - 60, although we have some younger members. All new members must be at least 18 to be considered.

We are not incredibly concerned about what level you are. Instead, we are concerned about WHO you are. We are much more concerned with your honest attitude, your level of engagement, and your willingness to be a part of and contribute to a group of friends.

Let us be clear. Great teams in FS require helpfulness and a willingness to contribute to everyone's enjoyment in the group. To us, your commitment is also demonstrated in FSP's- for great gear, forging guild issued gear, and to be able to upgrade yourself! Upgrading yourself (i.e. increasing Maximum Stamina, Stamina Gain, Backpack Spaces, etc.) benefits the guild by enabling you to do more. If you just want to be given great guild gear, and to level up alone, you should not apply here. Your enjoyment in our group is directly proportionate to how much you give, not how much you take. We all strongly adhere to the Boy Scout motto of "leaving things better than you found it".

This is the type of person that is Kings and Queens' material!


We hope you'll come visit us and get to know us. You'll certainly be hearing about us. We are here, we are ready, and we are rocking! We will become the # 1 Guild in Fallen Sword. The Fallen are Rising. Join us.

Hail the Kings and Queens !

20:58, 19 August 2009 (BST)