Guild:Eternal Legends

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Eternal Legends
Founded: December 16, 2006
Founder(s): KyoTenshi (3rd Gen)
Leader(s): Recognized Founders and Co-Founders

Wulfisman (Original Founder)
Wiolet85 (1st Co-Founder)
Hatern (2nd Gen)

Guild Leaders

Group Councils
Officer (Me)

Allies: Venomous, The Werewolves of the Silver Moon, Forsaken Kings, Whispers of ghosts
Enemies: N/A
Website: Click here
Fallensword Page: Click here
Recuiting: Level 25+ (Soon to change)
This page is a guild page. It is generally considered unethical to edit guild pages unless you are a member of that guild, or have permission from a member/leader of that guild.

Courtesy of Officer for making this page.

I won't be updating this page anymore, updated contents are moved here.

To apply, fill in the application as much as you can in

Thanks. ~Officer

Guild Information

Rules Ranks Guild Buff List (Members Only)


Basic requirements
  • Level 25 and over
  • Must be active
  • Must read the rules before you join
  • Must be respectful
  • You must be able to protect yourself while you're looking for a guild.

If you've met all the requirements, click here to send a join request.

Our benefits and guild events

Here we have not all the structures maxed, but over 650 tagged items. We have our 25% tax rate policy to keep our upkeep subscription costs maintained; although, we do expect some deposits from you, but not all the time.

Guild Events
To be announced...


  • We are in the top 170 in the top 250 guilds
  • We are in the top 60 in the guild pvp ladder
  • We are in the top 60 in the richest guilds
  • 23 structures; 17 out of 23 structures maxed
  • Over 650 tagged items from level 20 to 300+; including legendary, forged, crafted, super elites, etc.
  • Guild Advisor enabled
  • 25% allowable tax rate

Don't expect us to hold a powerful set for you once you've joined our guild. That's why we require you to have your own sets equipped to protect yourself and hunt. This is to prevent guild hoppers from joining this guild; once you've joined this guild, but left in less than a day without any reason; you will be considered a guild hopper, so watch out for that.




  • If you have decided to leave this guild; please state your reasons in the guild chat so we can understand, and you can return to this guild at any time. Leaving without explanation will not be welcomed back to this guild.
  • Basically, we don't allow beggars in this guild. First time, we will let it slide, but more than once will get you in trouble.
  • You shall not beg for anything on our allies or friends.
  • We do expect you to deposit, but not all the time.
  • FSP donations are welcomed as well.
  • Be respectful to your guildmates. ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NEVER EVER PVP THEM!
  • If you have any questions, contact one of our senior members, group councils, leaders, and founder.



  • Groups can be useful to attack Champions, Elites, Legendary (If you can't solo it), and Super Elites only. The only exception is to capture relics.
  • You can only request people to join your group in the guild chat only once; state your reasons too. Otherwise, request it via PM to an active guild member if it's not enough.
  • If you prefer members to join your group that meets your minimum level preference, that's fine. You can use your min join level in your account settings preference.
  • Always check your group stats to see if your group is strong enough before attempting to attack.
  • If there's alot of people in your group, you mustn't disband it. Go take over a relic if you need to; otherwise, the cost of their stamina they paid will be all for nothing.



  • You must be active at least once every 3 days to gain XP. You can't just hunt without effort, we will do a little investigation. Members with more than 3 days of last activity will be sent to the 'obey the rules or else rank.' If inactivity continues 2 days later or didn't contribute xp with effort will end up being dismissed.
  • If you need some time off, you can contact one of our senior members and above to put you on vacation rank. If possible, tell us when you'll be coming back.
  • When you return; contact one of our senior members to take you off vacation.

Guild Store


  • Any common, rares, and unique items without set details, forged, crafted with a good stats, or low value will be warned; if the action continues will be placed in a disciplinary rank known as 'the pit of despair.' Please use these 2 easy systems called "Auction House" and "Drop & Destroy system" if you don't want it; otherwise, it will be taken by members and dispose it. (The items worth must be 10x the tag price.)
  • If you're on an assigned rank without a recall permission, you can ask one of our senior members and above to recall some for you. Please tell them the name of the member who's last activity is more than 20 to 30 minutes, and items that they currently have or wielding. Be sure to take it from the guild store and use them with effort.
  • You're free to take any guild's items and use them as you need for hunting. Please hunt with effort.
  • These equipments that are tagged belong to this guild. Requests must be approved by the founder if you need these tags to be removed; only with a specific emergency reason. For example: Everyone else is leaving when they can't take the guild wars anymore, and you cannot leave.
  • Make sure to keep one free space in the guild store incase if there is a drop from the Champions, Elites, Legendary (Again, if you can't solo), or Super Elites. You are free to keep the items dropped by the monster you can't solo or you can ask the people with a 'tag items' permission to tag it. Tagging weak/crappy/low value sets will get you in trouble.
  • Lastly, do not complain if your item got recalled. We don't want any whiners in this guild.



  • Asking for buffs via guild chat is forbidden. (Requested by Xiryith)
  • If you need buffs, please request it via PM. Always check their last activity and bio first before you do that.
  • Only request buff when you have more than 500 stamina or can't self cast. Technically, we don't care if it wastes your stamina.
  • 'Please' and 'Thank you' will be good manners; don't forget them.
  • Please ask nicely when requesting buffs, and be specific on what buffs you need; don't just say Buff plz or Buff me. Otherwise, your requests will be ignored if it's not specific.
  • Once they cast buffs on you, please use them with effort.

Ranking/Milestone System

Rank XP Notes/Power
Guild Founder Owner All.
Wolfguard and our founding father Former Founder This is the original Founder of Eternal Legends. Known as the 1st Gen Founder who had retired with honor and success.
Wolfguard and our founding mother Former Co Founder The Co Founder who had retired with honor through out the guild. We must pay respectively to what they have done so far make it a success.
Eternal/Legendary/Mystic Commander Leader May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, tag reasonable sets, recruit, kick, and assign ranks.
Eternal High Council Group Council May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, tag reasonable sets, recruit, kick, and assign ranks.
Custom title 8,000,000+ May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, tag reasonable sets, recruit, kick, and assign ranks.
  • They can ask KyoTenshi, the Guild Founder to add a rank with a title of their own.
Eternal Legend 8,000,000+ May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, tag reasonable sets, recruit, kick, and assign ranks.
  • This is a default custom title rank for people who haven't came up with a custom title.
Eternal Champion 5,000,000 May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, tag reasonable sets, recruit, and kick.
Imperial Elite General 3,000,000 May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, tag reasonable sets, and recruit.
Legendary Elite 2,000,000 May go on vacation, recall items, send mass message, and tag reasonable sets.
Legendary Master of Weapons 1,000,000 May go on vacation, recall items, and tag reasonable sets.
Mystic Sword 500,000 May go on vacation, recall items, and tag reasonable sets.
  • Note: Tagging weak/useless/crappy sets will get you in trouble.
Master of Sword 300,000 May go on vacation and recall items.
Legendary Warrior 150,000 May go on vacation and recall items.
Legendary Hero 50,000 May go on vacation.
Legend 25,000 Requires permission to go on vacation.
So you want to be a legend 0 Starting rank
Vacation Vacation Members with a reasonable excuse to have some time off.
Fallen Hero Retired Retired members who served their loyalty to the guild for a long time.
The pit of despair Discipline Rule breakers.
Contribute or go Risk of dismissal
  • Inactivity for more than 3 days.
  • Dismissed when inactivity continues for 2 or more days.
