Guild:Dragonish Empire
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Dragonish Empire | |
![]() | |
Founded: | December 26th |
Founder: | Goku2468 |
Leaders: | Goku2468 (more will come soon) |
Guild Allies: | Werewolves of the Silver Moon |
Guild NAPs: | [None] |
Guild FDPs: | [None] |
Guild Enemies: | Maconhero |
Weaponsmith Level: 2 Enhancements: Damage +6
Tranquil Retreat Level: 6 Enhancements: Max Stamina +120
Endurance Shrine level: 2 Enhancements: +10 stam gain per hour
Guild Registrar level: 3 Enchantments: gain full excess to the report section
Server Time: 08:00 07/May/2008
Goal list
- Getting in the top 250 richest guildes
- Getting in the top 250 guildes
- Having 10,000,000 in the bank
- Reaching guild level 200
- A total of 50 members in the guild
- 10 Structures in the guild
- Getting in the top 100 richest and best guild
- All members and 20 structures
- Getting in the top 50 guilds
NOTE: We won't stop till we got it!