Breaking What Binds

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979 Mount Volmar (Dark Heights) (10, 16) Amulet of Virmalthorn (Complete River of Souls)



  1. Go to Start
  2. Invent Wing of Darkness
  3. Return to Start
  4. Go to Mount Volmar (Crest) (9, 2)
  5. Invent Groffle Offal
  6. Return to Mount Volmar (Crest) (9, 2)
  7. Invent Stone of Virmalthorn
  8. Return to Mount Volmar (Crest) (9, 2)


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You find the Seer standing in a long clearing reading a well worn tome. Within the shadows of the rocks you see scarlet eyes staring at her greedily.

Jamiesina jumps at your words, and almost drops her book. 'What?' you point at the eyes in the gloom. She stiffens, 'Oh, well now your here I'm fine. I've been checking up on runic bindings. I think if we shock the spell the Spirit within will dissipate. We just need toxic enough material to do the damage.' She hands you a scroll.

'It was the Shroud Bats that gave me the idea.' She smiles, 'I recommend you do not take too long. As you say, they look hungry. I'll be here when you he the Wing of Darkness.'

You receive 1 x Wing of Darkness Recipe

Jamiesina closes her tome, 'Glad your here, the Bats were beginning to get brave and a few attacked me. So have you managed to get the Wing of Darkness yet?'

She inspects it gingerly with only her fingertips touching the vile object. 'Yes, this will do. The Shroud is fixed nicely within the flesh. Now take this back. I don't like touching it.'

You receive 1 x Wing of Darkness.

'Now we should look for another source of material. There must be something nearby. Come on Hunter, no time to loose. Lets get out off these dismal Heights, I fancy getting a good view of the wastes below. Meet me on the Crest, we might even see Karthak from there.'

Jamiesina stands staring thoughtfully at the gray wastes below. In the distance you can just make out the massive walls of Karthak. Jutting above it the spire of the Cathedral stands above the darkness. To the left the blinking beacon of the Lighthouse shines.

She nods, 'Yes, but we know that within those walls the Legionaries and Sentries are clearing out Undead. It is amazing that they could rise and go unnoticed for so long. I wonder who has done this. Undead are constructs, not born of nature. So they were made by someone for some purpose. That has been troubling me for some time now.'

The Seer folds her arms, 'But we are not the only ones here, I saw some three legged things loping around. I can only guess that they are Grofflesnouts, I've only read about them in books. But I have heard that they serve the Shadow Lord. So as such they might serve our purpose as well.' She hands you another scroll, 'I was not idle whilst I was waiting for you to arrive. I have drawn up this recipe for Groffle Offal. It is an ancient belief that the vitals of a Creature carry its innate power. We shall see if its true.'

You receive 1 x Groffle Offal Recipe

Jamiesina waits for you to return, 'I take it you have the Groffle Offal?'

Oddly she takes the jar and stares intently into it. 'I see that the blood is black as well as the mark of spell casting imprinted on it which is good for us. But there is no way I'm carrying this, it smells awful.' She hands it determinedly to you.

'We shall try to un-make that Amulet of Virmalthorn. We can't carry a sleeping soul of a powerful undead Necromancer around with us. Speak with me when you are ready to destroy the spirit of Virmalthorn.'

You recuieve 1 x Groffle Offal

Jamiesina looks out at the city before her, 'It look so peaceful from up here, I know it is all illusion but it still soothes me. Shall we try to break the Amulet now Hunter?'

She smiles back at you, 'So few words that wrap such determination of purpose. Take this Runebreaker Recipe, with the binding runes shattered his spirit will drift into the hands of GorGulGol. I guess Virmalthorn will not receive a pleasant reception when he gets there.' She laughs, an odd sound against the bleak surroundings.

You receive 1 x Runbreaker Recipe

The Seer smiles at you as you return, 'Have you destroyed the Amulet of Virmalthorn?'

Jamiesina stares at the large ruby stone. 'You have got to be joking! Who in all the Realms is this Virmalthorn! We must find out before we can try to destroy it again.' With a heavy heart she hands it back to you.

'It strange that such a foul item can look so pretty. But we have a duty to check the Elemental Locks within Mount Volmar as our Contract states. It is all down hill from here Hunter.'

You receive 11,489,548 Xp + 1 x Stone of Virmalthorn