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[hide]Name Level Class Max Attack Max Defense Max Armor Max Damage Max HP Max Gold Max XP
Hyrom Ibex 1741 Beast 9942 15438 15783 8779 69963 215 11963
Hyrom Capcaun 1742 Canine 5113 40130 571 4203 70022 226 12013
Hyrom Capcaun (Champion) 1742 Canine 29736 1945 704 35556 95080 227 23483
Hyrom Gnarled Fox 1743 Canine 21131 590 558 47297 14243 219 11704
Hyrom Fallen Priest 1744 Human 21616 615 589 27288 69932 220 11732
Hyrom Grofflesnout 1745 Greenskin 6426 539 40812 2304 69920 226 11450
Hyrom Snow Squonk 1746 Beast 12179 11822 12118 14062 70101 200 11572
Hyrom Snow Troll 1747 Greenskin 8347 15254 15339 11245 70137 228 12218
Hyrom Glacial Giant 1748 Beast 6971 42375 593 255 70079 215 12153
Hyrom Glacial Giant (Champion) 1748 Beast 7270 56624 704 3547 95292 210 24384
Hyrom Glacial Rusalki 1749 Human 42994 563 552 25697 14262 220 12278
Colossal Snowman (Titan) 1750 Magical 79228 1556 1593 130788 43130 203 39027
Hyrom Glacial Fiend 1750 Human 22097 999 529 26655 70120 206 12076
Fraganir the Chill (Elite) 1750 Dragon 76833 1659 1669 139382 44315 225 40210
Shroud of Rosmeriat (Super Elite) 1750 Magical 268594 3608 3594 213107 98499 263 116625