Difference between revisions of "Bestiary:941-950"

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| [[Dustflats Wanderer]]
| [[Dustflats Wanderer]]
| 942
| 942
| {{Vermin}}
| {{Reptile}}
| 5,012
| 3,995
| 2,534
| 6,754
| 2,369
| 3,742
| 10,171
| 5,808
| 19,897
| 20,123
| 305
| 330
| 3,333
| 3,478
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Xanlin Prowler]]
| [[Xanlin Prowler]]
| 943
| 943
| {{Undead}}
| {{Feline}}
| 6,291
| 7,195
| 2,804
| 2,110
| 2,887
| 2,925
| 7,986
| 7,990
| 19,983
| 20,204
| 331
| 321
| 3,459
| 3,360
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Gomji Paleskin Hunter]]
| [[Gomji Paleskin Hunter]]
| 944
| 944
| {{Human}}
| {{Greenskin}}
| 9,684
| 7,046
| 3,316
| 5,664
| 4,296
| 3,916
| 12,057
| 3,678
| 29,351
| 20,127
| 322
| 327
| 4,877
| 3,389
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Gomji Throat Cutter]]
| [[Gomji Throat Cutter]]
| 945
| 945
| {{Human}}
| {{Greenskin}}
| 5,080
| 7,548
| 2,669
| 2,088
| 2,995
| 2,758
| 9,246
| 7,926
| 19,988
| 20,355
| 329
| 345
| 3,415
| 3,375
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Gomji Bonepicker]]
| [[Gomji Bonepicker]]
| 946
| 946
| {{Avian}}
| {{Greenskin}}
| 4,710
| 5,175
| 2,178
| 4,818
| 2,731
| 5,066
| 10,410
| 5,259
| 19,941
| 24,424
| 301
| 309
| 3,361
| 3,440
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Gretcha (Champion)]]
| [[Gretcha (Champion)]]
| 946
| 946
| {{Human}}
| {{Greenskin}}
| 6,032
| 6,312
| 2,522
| 1,553
| 2,901
| 8,740
| 8,600
| 13,249
| 20,117
| 35,819
| 311
| 330
| 3,329
| 4,764
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Kutubu Bowman]]
| [[Kutubu Bowman]]
| 947
| 947
| {{Human}}
| {{Human}}
| 4,840
| 8,120
| 2,436
| 2,913
| 2,439
| 2,175
| 10,330
| 7,118
| 20,110
| 20,315
| 313
| 332
| 3,432
| 3,521
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Kutubu Spearman]]
| [[Kutubu Spearman]]
| 948
| 948
| {{Human}}
| {{Human}}
| 5,834
| 4,934
| 2,903
| 4,829
| 2,496
| 3,568
| 8,885
| 7,054
| 19,991
| 20,380
| 321
| 338
| 3,472
| 3,417
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Kutubu Warrior]]
| [[Kutubu Warrior]]
| 949
| 949
| {{Canine}}
| {{Human}}
| 7,828
| 5,387
| 2,053
| 4,513
| 2,524
| 6,699
| 7,694
| 3,823
| 20,114
| 20,399
| 301
| 327
| 3,528
| 3,518
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Kutubu Shaman]]
| [[Kutubu Shaman]]
| 950
| 950
| {{Human}}
| {{Human}}
| 4,141
| 5,751
| 2,653
| 4,270
| 2,278
| 7,524
| 11,123
| 2,853
| 20,033
| 24,510
| 333
| 318
| 3,478
| 3,568
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Kutubu Earthtalker (Champion)]]
| [[Kutubu Earthtalker (Champion)]]
| 950
| 950
| {{Human}}
| {{Human}}
| 6,869
| 9,359
| 2,272
| 3,128
| 6,486
| 4,293
| 13,948
| 13,175
| 35,279
| 29,853
| 347
| 356
| 5,037
| 4,939
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Aspect of Rock (Elite)]]
| [[Aspect of Rock (Elite)]]
| 950
| 950
| {{Human}}
| {{Magical}}
| 5,650
| 17,973
| 2,517
| 15,724
| 2,618
| 22,499
| 9,332
| 8,647
| 20,146
| 77,808
| 314
| 390
| 3,461
| 6,032
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
|- BGCOLOR="#e5c173"
| [[Sludge Spine Chomper (Legendary)]]
| [[Sludge Spine Chomper (Legendary)]]
| 950
| 950
| {{Undead}}
| {{Aquatic}}
| 8,404
| 7,075
| 2,887
| 3,618
| 2,289
| 4,292
| 6,573
| 14,997
| 20,176
| 29,990
| 337
| 352
| 3,313
| 5,014

Latest revision as of 07:49, 19 June 2011

Name Level Class Max Attack Max Defense Max Armor Max Damage Max HP Max Gold Max XP
Windvale Sky Render 941 Avian 5,211 3,913 3,933 7,147 20,124 317 3,529
Dustflats Wanderer 942 Reptile 3,995 6,754 3,742 5,808 20,123 330 3,478
Xanlin Prowler 943 Feline 7,195 2,110 2,925 7,990 20,204 321 3,360
Gomji Paleskin Hunter 944 Greenskin 7,046 5,664 3,916 3,678 20,127 327 3,389
Gomji Throat Cutter 945 Greenskin 7,548 2,088 2,758 7,926 20,355 345 3,375
Gomji Bonepicker 946 Greenskin 5,175 4,818 5,066 5,259 24,424 309 3,440
Gretcha (Champion) 946 Greenskin 6,312 1,553 8,740 13,249 35,819 330 4,764
Kutubu Bowman 947 Human 8,120 2,913 2,175 7,118 20,315 332 3,521
Kutubu Spearman 948 Human 4,934 4,829 3,568 7,054 20,380 338 3,417
Kutubu Warrior 949 Human 5,387 4,513 6,699 3,823 20,399 327 3,518
Kutubu Shaman 950 Human 5,751 4,270 7,524 2,853 24,510 318 3,568
Kutubu Earthtalker (Champion) 950 Human 9,359 3,128 4,293 13,175 29,853 356 4,939
Aspect of Rock (Elite) 950 Magical 17,973 15,724 22,499 8,647 77,808 390 6,032
Sludge Spine Chomper (Legendary) 950 Aquatic 7,075 3,618 4,292 14,997 29,990 352 5,014