Captive of Ogres

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782 Darghei Desert (East) (2, 5) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Go to Darghei Desert (East) (9,9)
  3. Return to Darghei Desert (East) (9,9)


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You encounter a wandering human. He seems lost until he spots you.
'Hi there friend. I've been trying to find somebody to help me. I think the Ogres in this area have captured my friend. Can you please help me find him?'

'Thank you! I saw alot of Ogre activity east of here, so I think it would be a good idea to start looking there first.'

You stumble upon the cage. There appears to be somebody inside. 'Please, help me!'

You attempt to pry the cage open with brute force, but ultimately fail. You must find the key in order to unlock the cage. You will need to locate the key before you are able to unlock the cage.'

You arrive back at the cage. Surprisingly, there appear to be no ogres in the vacinity guarding the cage.

You use the key you recovered from the Ogres on the cage and unlock it. The captive emerges from the cage.
'Thank you from getting me out of there! I would have become Ogre food if you didn't come along. Here, take this as a reward for helping me out of there.' You gain 2,931,563 XP and 'Amulet of Dargeic'.