Glimmer of Interest

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812 Eldshaw Rocks (East) (5, 9) [none]



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A faint glimmer of light catches your eye. You spot movement within the dense formation of rocks nearby.
You move towards the direction of movement. Searching the area you find nothing but tumbling rocks. You spin around and resume your journey, but you notice movement in the corner of your eye. You turn to identify the source of movement but it is too late as two rat-like creatures launch themselves upon on.

You swiftly remove your weapon and expertly parry a flurry of sword attacks made by the two Ratman scouts that attacked you, promptly dispatch both creatures. No sooner had you killed the two scouts more rat-like creatures, each wielding various dull blades, pour from the rocks and surge towards you in a ferocious frenzy.

You have no alternative but to defend yourself!

The horde of ratmen scouts continue their ferocious attack, their dull blades hacking and slashing at you...
You continue to expertly dispatch the ratmen scout. The remaining give up their attack and rapidly disperse back into the cover of the surrounding rocks. You recall the words of a traveler long ago, describing an entire dominion of ratmen however you never thought you would see them this far away from their lands. They must be planning something. Something big...

You search the bodies of the slain ratmen and manage to recover a rune of exquisite design. You gain 3,153,170 XP and 'Rune of Ralitir'.