Decaying Stand

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Missing Info: What creatures need to be killed and how many

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820 Forest of Abroia (Grove) (3, 12) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Kill # creatures
  3. Return to Start
  4. Kill 1 Elzthor the Decaying (Elite)
  5. Return to Start


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You stumble upon a stone fortification. Countless misshapen forms clash against the defensive line of human and Dwarven soldiers. A small group of soldiers approach you, prepared to attack, but they halt. 'You've not been affected by the Dark Rot... the beasts though, they are determined to destroy our fortifications. They must not be allowed to breach our defenses! Can you help us push back the demonic entities? Please, you must help us! The defenses must stand!'

'Excellent! I promise you shall be greatly rewarded for your services. The Elighed Army will be indebted to you.'

The deformed creatures of decay continue to attack the line of human and Dwarven defenders. You must help them by killing some of the creatures, thus easing some of the pressure off the defenders.

You rush to the weakest points of the defences and aid the soldiers there, slicing down the demonic creatures with expertise rivaled by few. Slowly but surely the demons of decay begin to withdraw, knowing they have lost this battle. The Captain approaches you. 'You saved alot of lives today, and I thank you for that! However, now is not the time to celebrate. Those demonic creatures will no doubt reorganize and launch yet another attack against our fortifications, and I'm not sure they will survive another assult... We must stop them entirely. Come. Listen to my plan...' The human Commander wanders off into one of the makeshift tents.

You enter the tent. Several human and Dwarven commanders are assembled around a circular table which is adorned with maps and various plans of battle.

The familiar human commander, garbed in gleaming silver armor with the odd blood splatter here and there, begins to speak. 'The only way to stop the horde of demonic creatures is to kill it at the source. To do this we must slay the powerful beast known as Elzthor. I have reports that the beast wanders the Ridges within the Abroia Forests. I am asking for volunteers to travel into the Ridges to slay this beast. Anybody?

You raise your hand. The commander looks directly at you. 'You would like to volunteer to slay the beast? It's going to be dangerous, friend.' A smile forms across the commander's mouth. 'I have however observed your outstanding skills with weapons and must say you have a good chance at defeating the beast. I guess we should all wish you luck, not that you will need it.' The commander smirks. 'Return back to us once the beast is successfully slain.'

You arrive back at the allied human and dwarven fortifications. The familiar human commander notices your approach. 'Glad to see you back live friend. How did it go?'

'Really? That is fantastic news! Your efforts will not go ignored. There will still be a minor threat of random attacks by those demonic creatures, however we should be able to manage. You have my thanks, and that of my people. Here, take this as a reward for your assistance in eliminating the threat which has been plaguing these lands for so long!' The commander hands you a study looking armor suit. You gain 3,425,060 XP and 'Armor of Elighed'.