Slaying the Invidious

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800 Tormented Recess (Depths) (13, 7) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Return to Start
  3. Go to Caugha Abyss (Ridge) (13, 2)


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You stumble upon several elven bodies laying strewn across the ground. You investigate the bodies and discover one of the fallen Elves holding a note.

You close in to investigate the bodies. You notice movement in the corner of your eye and before you can react you are violently knocked aside by a crazed necromantic creature. It stands over you and unleashes an earsplitting screach. You must defend yourself!

The crazed creatures continue their relentless assault, slashing at you with its razor sharp claws.

You expertly dispatch the creatures until the few remaining flee. Turning back to the bodies of the fallen Elven warriors you retrieve the note and read it. Unfortunately the note is blood-smeared. You can't make out anything on the note. You feel a hand clasp onto your arm and notice one of the Elven warriors struggling to speak. You lean closer. 'You must stop him.... Echigal must be stopped otherwise he will bring the end to us all! If you are able to kill Echigal then you must inform the Elven Outpost situated in the Caugha Abyss...' The mortally wounded Elven warrior lets out one last sigh before his life ebbs away.

You arrive at a minor Elven encampment. Several of the guards notice you and present their weapons. 'Hold right there. What business do you have here?'

The soldiers look at each other then back at you. 'Are you sure? This means we might get to go home. Did you encounter our patrol then?'. You explain that the soldiers were killed, however one requested that you killed Echigal. 'I see. Masterful work, my friend. Here, take this rune as a reward for your assistance.' With that the soldiers turn and return to guard duty save one, who vanishes off into one of the large tents.' You gain 3,259,922 XP and 'Bodgirda Rune'.