Protecting the Supply Lines

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638 Urz Wastes (Wurm Lands) (13,13) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Obtain Seal of Harkaron
  3. Return to Start
  4. Give Seal of Harkaron


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You encounter a small human fort. One of the guards emerges from the entrance, he appears frustrated. 'Those damned Waghzoo hobgoblin! They're always harassing our supply lines. We need them dealt with, and swiftly! Don't suppose you would be interested in helping us?' The Captain asks, quirking a brow. "Of course I'll Help!"

A smile cuts its way across the Captain's face. 'Excellent. The positive outcome of our war here against those greenskin's rests upon our ability to ensure our supply lines are kept unharassed. Hunt down the greenskins and slay them! Return here once you have done so.

You arrive back at the fort. The Captain is busy addressing his subordinates as you arrive. He finally notices your return and turns to you. 'I see you've made it back safely. Did you manage to secure our trade lines?' ( 55 / 55 Waghzoo Hobgoblins killed ) "Yes"

T'That should prevent them from harassing our supply lines for now, until more of them begin appearing in this region. Fortunately we received multiple copies of equipment recipes on our last supply wagon, including a recipe to our latest weapon, the Chevial Blade. Here, take this as we won't be needing it.' The Captain hands you the recipe. You gain 1,706,907 XP and 'Chevial Sword Recipe'.

Quest Completed!