
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Revision as of 23:53, 21 August 2009 by Roan (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: 19/Dec/2006
Name: Roan
Guild: Perfection
Guild Title: Pure
Allies: {{{player_allies}}}
Enemies: {{{player_enemies}}}
Medals: {{{player_medals}}}
Auction House: My auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.



Present Fallensword Occupation(s)

=Jademare Farming

  • You're a Jademare buyer?
  • You wan't a seller?
  • You always buy some?
  • PM me how many you buy per FSP!
  • If your the best buyer on at the moment where I farm, I send you ST!

Buffing and Lifetime buffing

Rage - 10k
Fury - 10k
Bersek - 15k
Wither - 15k
Shockwave (lvl 45) - 20k
Rock Skin - 15k
Echanted Armor - 10k
Aura of Protection - 20k
Animal Magnetism - 10k
Doubler - 5k
Conserve - 10k

All buffs (except SW) for only 100k!!!


Lifetime personnal buffs = 10 FSP
Guilds (1 to 25 players) = 50 FSP
Guilds (26 to 75 players) = 100 FSP
Guilds (75 and more players) = 150 FSP


  • dennis0110 (P)
  • DJB306 (P)
  • HaloArtist (P)
  • kezza369 (P)
  • Tal6727 (P)
  • warlic2345 (P)
  • WutTheDuck (P)
  • Dragons Religious Death (G)
  • Quest Titans (G)
  • Ultimate Palace (G)