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Bio Details
Here is some more Detail about certain things in my Bio, such as Lifetime Buff Details, Potion Details and Plant Details! Since my Bio is running out of room I will be using my Wiki Page for more Detail!
Lifetime Buffs
Currently it costs 30 FSP to get my Lifetime Buffs! However once I reach Level 400 (not long now) the prices and conditions will change :P Current Lifetimers will be sorted appropriately!
Players who get FREE BUFFS from me for LIFE
- oshimbo
- Grishord
- Karthathan
- grumbler76
- berantheus
- 1800Hitman
- hawkbomber
- longerpay2
- alnilan
- thytorm
- Kstorms
- Unified
- Roclebran
- tuglowz
- GuNrUlEr
- goatboy888
- hitman1012
- djgu2
- Talvanos
- SplintKell
- Cloud1373
- Zyphiny
- Udinor
- BarNone
- ender612
- zman2789
- poakanui
- Darter69
- wizer121
The following Players get ANY of my Buffs at any time!
I am now Selling potions. My Prices are as follows!
Potion of Fury (Berserk 350) @ 180k Each (4 for 6 FSP) Potion of Bookworm (Librarian 225) @ 200k Each (5 for 7FSP) Potion of Black Death (Dark Curse 225) @ 100k Each (3 for 2 FSP)
Potion Orders
iut044 - 10 Bookworm (14 FSP)
Now that I now sell Potions, I now buy Plants! I am only interested in Blood Blooms, Jademares and Dark Shades. My prices are as follows
Blood Blooms: 11/FSP Jademares: 8/FSP Dark Shades: 8/FSP