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Revision as of 03:25, 22 April 2009 by Uone (Talk | contribs)

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Member of Paper guild

light warrior - interest seeker

Any questions? Want to chat? PM me!

★ ★ ★

Are you starting your FS Warrior career?
You need affordable items that make you stronger?

You are independent adventurer and really need quick buff?

Look for my potions offer.

★ ★ ★

Use your stamina as good as you can!

Affordable buffing service! All buffs at level 135:
(5k each)

  • Adept learner
  • Treasure hunter

(10k each)

  • Merchand
  • Enchance Weapon
  • Librarian

Find me at 6am or 6pm of server time.

★ ★ ★

I'm leveling up, so check AH for sell out of my attic items.

Check now!

★ ★ ★

Free mentoring and coaching offer for new players, just creating FS accounts! Register your player using THIS referal link. You will get:

How to get superior experience guide!

Free buffs!

Money credits!

I offer you also half of gained referral points:
FSP for recruit level table

  • Recruit reaches level 25: you get 1 FSP
  • Recruit reaches level 50: you get 3 FSP
  • Recruit reaches level 75: you get 5 FSP
  • Recruit reaches level 100: you get 8 FSP
  • Recruit reaches level 150: you get 10 FSP

And other life long deals and chats about sense of (FS) life!

★ ★ ★
