hover1 | |
Joined: | 18/5/2008 |
Name: | hover1 |
Medals: | |
Guild: | sNaKiEs |
Allies: | kevin39, robareid |
Enemies: | Razizel |
Contents |
My accomplishments
First Edit ever made: Azure Armor of Peglor
First set ever made: Sphynx Set
My friends
First Friend:Kevin39 (He is now inactive)
Others:Robaried,snake123,madness89 (Guild buddies,see next topic)
Rank : Cobra
Ranks of guild:
Guild Founder:snake123
Co-Founder(2nd to join):hammad124
Cobra(3rd in command):Hover1,robareid,snakeisme (Notibly, hover1 would be leader for the Cobra rank due to him joining before the others)
Snakies Army (Usually called SA,lowest rank):karena888,Madness89,Mrextremo,Rendigo
Guild Structures
Health Shrine---------|Lv.2--|----|33Gold-|
Tranquil Retreat-----|Lv.3--|----|80Gold-|
Thanks too...
Kevin39 for showing me this game!
snake123 for introducing me to a guild...I think -.-
Robareid for being a rival/friend/encourager/and all that kind of stuff
madness89 for teaching me how to trick the FSP points award (By using my old adress)
Klyxan for helping me on an item leading to me making five new missing pages
External Links
Look at hover1's Fallen Sword account
Look at hover1's contributions
Look at sNaKiEs
Donate to fallensword
Hover1 is responsible for the content of external websites, not Hunted Cow Studios Ltd. for this current page.