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< UndeadLegions
Revision as of 16:24, 28 August 2008 by Jroberto (Talk | contribs)

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Unsorted notes!

  • Start: 1 September?
  • Elite Farmer - group combats from good elites, gear for the guild, profit for the guild - 2 fsp
 Goal: Group attacks that wield good loots helps the Guild, either by tagging nice items, or selling them and donating the profit to the guild. Prize should pay by itself.
  • MVP (Most Valueable Player) - Votes from all members (exceptions here?) - 5 fsp
 Things to take into consideration: Helpful towards guild members, leveling up, buffing, chats, gear vs. levelup, etc.

  • Siege master (relic capture) - 2 fsp
 Whoever captures more relics wins.
  • Master Head Hunter - based on profit - 2 fsp
 Needs proof of accomplishment (screenshot, log?)
  • levelup contest should be per level rather than per rank (ex: 10-19 , 21-39, 40-59, 60-79, 80+) - 2 fsp winner?
  • Some kind of "quest" to complete? - 2 fsp
  • More?..

Total fsp: 20