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Revision as of 23:57, 22 July 2008 by Xylund (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: 24/Jan/2008
Name: Xylund
Guild: The white dragon
Guild Title: Great Wyrm
Allies: Roan, EvilynRose, JOEJOE3910, LapT0p, tempest1st
Enemies: firewing22
Medals: none
Auction House: My auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.




I started playing with tempest1st and EvilynRose back in january and we were between level 15 and 20 when OrinJaxx invited us to The white dragon we stayed for awhile but ran into a problem we then decided to create our own guild but that didn't work out so we joined my daughters guild The Guardians Of The Light and we feel like we've found our home now.

Guild History

well I find myself with my daughters guild and as I did when I was a lower level I have alot of the members comming to me for advice it's kinda of strange because I don't look at myself as a leader because I still ask questions myself to the ones who helped me when I first started so I just pass on what I learned from my mentors The Guardians of Light is a good guild and anyone wanting a good place to start learning this game and working together then this is the place to be if intrested contact one of the guild leaders for membership hope to see you there.


level 201. 

Attack: 1381
Defence: 49
HP: 100
Armor: 1289
Damage: 2614


  • Annual Service (Bronze)

9_1.gif Play FallenSword for 1 years.

Progress to next medal:

  • Adventurer (Bronze)

8_1.gif Complete at least 25 quests

Progress to next medal:

  • Recruiting (Bronze)

1_1.gif Recruit a least 25 players to the game.

Progress to next medal:

  • Bounty master (Bronze)

0_1.gif Complete at least 50 bounty hunts.

Progress to next medal:

  • Loyalty (Bronze)

5_1.gif Log into the game on at least 30 different days.

Progress to next medal:


Find Item - level 140

Treasure Hunter - level 140

Adept Learner - level 140

Librarian - level 140

Merchant - level 140

Animal Magnetism - level 140

Doubler - level 140

For sale

Nothing for the moment.
Send me a private message with your offer if your interested

Bounty politic

i don't clear bounties unless someone really irks me




=Enemies= Allies

firewing22 saylojon


Completed quests

coming soon...

Uncompleted quests

coming soon...

Quests running

coming soon...


coming soon...