Torrent Farplace

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Revision as of 19:17, 27 June 2008 by Belgrave (Talk | contribs)

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Sells 9 items:

Defense - +93     Reinforced Armor - +8
Armor - +40

Minimum Level - 66
Durability - 60
Defense - +75     Enhancements - [none]
Armor - +60

Minimum Level - 67
Durability - 60
Defense - +75     Breaker - +8
Armor - +60

Minimum Level - 67
Durability - 60
Attack - +45     Piercing Strike - +5
Defense - -30
Damage - +122

Minimum Level - 68
Durability - 60
Attack - +35     Critical Hit - +6
Defense - +40
Armor - +17
Damage - +45

Minimum Level - 68
Durability - 60
Attack - +25     Enhancements - [none]
Defense - -5
Armor - -10
Damage - +128

Minimum Level - 69
Durability - 60
Attack - +35     Enhancements - [none]
Defense - +46
Armor - +58

Minimum Level - 69
Durability - 60
Attack - +75     Enhancements - [none]
Defense - +39
Armor - +29

Minimum Level - 69
Durability - 60
Attack - +75     Piercing Strike - +5
Defense - -15     Holy - +3
Armor - -10
Damage - +91

Minimum Level - 70
Durability - 60